Інститут матеріалів та сплавів планує створення мережі міні-студій художнього литва
Profitability: 25% per year
Investment period: 09/01/2023 - 04/01/2024
Fundraising period ended
Welcome to the investment platform of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Association of Investors of Ukraine", which will combine quality intellectual, professional, financial, entrepreneurial, scientific resources of experts, analysts, investors, scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs, managers for project implementation, development and implementation programs to stimulate and transform key sectors of national industry - "growth points", the development of which has a positive impact on the entire economy and social sector.
Authorized users can apply own projects to be listed on Association of Investors of Ukraine website.
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ApplyAuthorized users can apply for investor role at Association of Investors of Ukraine website.
Apply«Технологія отримання палива із забруднюючих викидів (вуглекислого газу)»
Нам після боротьби з вуглекислим газом доведеться боротися з «нешкідливою» водяною парою.
The global trend towards sustainable human development goals aims at one of the highest priorities: reducing carbon dioxide emissions (so-called decarbonization) in the energy and industrial sectors.